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Posted by Robert Walch | 19 October 2017 | 0 Comments

The scenario: You are prescribed a pharmaceutical drug for a chronic or temporary issue with the understanding that the drug will make you better or help to minimize some of the issues you are dealing with. But in taking the drug, you then develop different medical issues that are side effects of the drug

The scenario described above is all too common. Dangerous drugs hit the market everyday, with pharmaceutical companies making billions of dollars on patients taking their drugs. The lure of the big money is a big reason why there are so many drugs on the mass market before proper research is done on the full impact a drug might have on a user.

Take the type 2 diabetes drug Actos for instance. This wildly popular drug made it’s manufacturer Takeda Pharmaceutical billions of dollars and the massive advertising campaign turned it into the most popular diabetes drug on the market. But the side effects of the drug were something that patients (especially those taking the drug when it was first released in 1999) were simply not made aware of until it was too late. Bladder cancer, kidney disease, bone fractures and other major medical issues are what Actos patients are now having to deal with and pay for.

So back to the main question posed in this blog– who pays for those injuries and deaths that come as a result of taking a pharmaceutical drug. The answer is, of course, the same company that made all the money selling the drug.

Going back to our Actos example, there have been over ten thousand lawsuits filed against the company, mainly around their failure to warn of the complications associated with the drug. Pharmaceutical companies have the money to pay for these claims and there is only one thing standing in the way of you collecting these much-needed funds: a phone call to us. Time is of the absolute essence in these cases and waiting too long means missing your opportunity to collect. If you have been injured from a prescription or non-prescription drug and want to learn more about your legal options, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. We are here to help and will work hard to get you the money you deserve as quickly as possible.

About the Author

Robert Walch

Partner Robert Walch is passionate about helping individuals and families that are dealing with the aftermath of a serious personal injury or wrongful death accident. Robert has been working at Walch Law since 2000 and has developed a reputation as a caring and compassionate attorney that keeps his clients in the loop on the progress of their case and works hard to get the best results possible. Robert is a huge reason why the Walch Law Firm has a success rate of over 95% on their serious personal injury and wrongful death cases.


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