How Much is Your Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Worth? - californiawrong
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How Much is Your Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Worth?

How Much is Your Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Worth?

How Much is Your Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Worth?

Los Angeles pedestrian accidents happen every day causing serious injuries or death to the innocent walker or runner getting hit by a heavy car, truck or motorcycle. Also known as knockdown accidents because the moving vehicle easily knocks down the ungaurded pedestrian. How much are these cases worth? Uusally a lot.

How Much is Your Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Worth?

How much is your pedestrian accident worth? It depends on a lot of factors but the general rule of thumb for any California personal injury or wrongful death case is the larger the physical, emotional and financial impact the accident has had on your life, the more your case is worth. Missed work, medical bills and PTSD are all things that you can get compensated for in a winning case and these are bills that can last a lifetime for some.

Who the defendant in your case (meaning, the person who hit you). Generally, your case value is limited by how much insurance money is available to pay it out. When the person responsible for hitting you has high insurance policy limits (i.e. a truck driver pedestrian accident), your case can be worth well over $1 Million depending on the details.

Comparative Negligence in Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians often play a role in getting hit by a car or truck by walking on the road or jaywalking. The good news is that California is a comparative negligence state which means that you can still file a winning personal injury lawsuit that is worth a lot of money. Your negligence is compared to the overall value and negligence of the other side and reduced accordingly. So, if your case is worth $100,000 and you are 50% responsible for the accident, you can still get $50,000 when you work with the best Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer. Too many people make the mistake of assuming they don’t have a case because they played a role in causing the accident– that simply is not true, it just makes it all the more important that you work with an attorney on your case!

Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When you want to get the most money possible after a pedestrian knockdown accident, you want to work with the winning law firm of Walch Law. We have been maximizing the case value of pedestrian accident cases for over 40 years and would love to get you the same great results as we have for so many of our happy clients. We are ready to get started today. Call us now to set up your free consulation, find out how much your case is worth and more. We look forward to hearing from you! 1-844-999-5342



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